Dec 11, 2024
Everyone suffers from morning sickness.
Morning sickness is the norm of pregnancy, with around two thirds of women suffering through the unrelenting nausea and unpleasant vomiting. But women should not worry if they end up experiencing none of these horrid symptoms; rather, they should count their lucky stars that they are one of the lucky few who get to skip that part.
At what week will a foetus begin to develop their sense of hearing?
At around week 16, an unborn baby’s aural structures are quite well developed. He or she should be able to detect some noise, though it will be restricted to the inner noises of mom’s body. By week 24, he or she will be able to hear noises outside the womb, and may respond to mom or dads voice.
Having one miscarriage increases the chances of future pregnancies ending in miscarriages.
To an extent. A woman who has experienced a single miscarriage has the same chances of experiencing another miscarriage with her next pregnancy as a woman who has had zero miscarriages. The chances of a miscarriage only increase with two or more experienced miscarriages.
A one year old should be able to:
Point to something to draw attention to it
Identify a simple picture when it is named (cat, tree, car)
A one year should be able to complete each of the mentioned tasks. They should be able to make simple gestures and identify common objects.
The best way to treat cradle cap is:
Use cortisone cream on the affected area
Cover the surface with hats or beanies
Wash the area with a mild baby shampoo every day
Use your own shampoo to wash the baby’s head
Never use cortisone cream, or any other treatment cream, without specific recommendation from a physician. Many creams may be toxic to infants, and can be absorbed into your baby’s bloodstream through his or her skin. Do not cover the surface constantly with hats; instead allow it to have access to air. The skin breathing will help heal the surface. Your own shampoo may be too harsh, or have certain chemicals that are dangerous to your baby. You should only use mild baby shampoo for your baby’s baths or washing.
You should not use Shot - Depo Provera for more than 2 years in a row because you may lose bone density.
One of the risks associated with prolonged use of contraceptive shot is losing bone density. You also may have headaches, weight gain and nervousness.