Jul 23, 2024
Engaging in sex can trigger a miscarriage
This is one of those miscarriage myths that end up scaring some women into abstinence. Sex during pregnancy, including the early and later months, is absolutely okay, as long as the mother is healthy and okay.
To get pregnant you must have sex on the day you ovulate, when your egg is released from the ovaries.
Because sperm can survive in the fallopian tubes for up to a week, you don't have to time sex to the exact moment you ovulate to get pregnant. This window includes the five days before and the day of ovulation itself.
Women severely underweight are likely to have problems with fertility.
A severely underweight woman (with less than 17 percent body fat) may have irregular ovulation, reducing their odds of conception.
Endometriosis is when tissue that typically lines the uterus is found outside the uterus.
This extra tissue growth — and the surgical removal of it — can cause scarring, which may obstruct the tube and keep the egg and sperm from uniting.
Sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia cannot cause infertility in men.
Some STDs like gonorrhea and chlamydia can cause infertility by blocking the epididymis or tubes.
The use of such hormonal methods as injectable, contraceptive patch and contraceptive ring has increased in recent years.
The use of hormonal methods has increased with the advent of new options in recent years. The proportion of women who had ever used the injectable increased from 4.5% in 1995 to 23% in 2006–2010. Ever-use of the contraceptive patch increased from less than 1% in 2002 to 10% in 2006–2010. Six percent of women had used the contraceptive ring in 2006–2010, the first time this method was included in surveys.