Dec 16, 2024
On average what percentage of pregnancies will ultimately end in a miscarriage?
According to the American College of Obstetricians around 15-25 percent of all pregnancies will end in a miscarriage.
A nine month old baby may be clingy around adults they are most familiar with, and fearful of strangers.
A nine month old baby is old enough to have formed strong bonds with his or her parents and caregivers and may be wary or frightened of strangers they are unable to recognize.
A flat spot on the back or side of your newborn’s head is normal and can be ignored.
Babies are born with soft heads, allowing them room for their brains to grow. If a baby lays or sleeps in one position too often, that portion of his or her head may become flat, called “flat head syndrome”. If babies are laying down most of the day, this syndrome is more likely. To avoid flat head syndrome, hold your baby for periods of time during the day, either in your arms or in a baby carrier, change their sleeping position regularly, and practice appropriate amounts of “tummy time”.
From about 18 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s sex could be determined through an ultrasound scan.
Ultrasound scans are a fairly accurate way of determining your baby's sex from about 18 weeks of pregnancy.
Women still retain the ability to conceive after menopause.
Our ability to naturally conceive a child ends about 10 years before menopause.
You do not need a prescription to buy male and female condoms.
You can always buy it over-the-counter or online without a prescription.