Oct 06, 2024
I am carrying extremely low — I must be having a boy!
Again, this is simply an old wives tale and has no scientific backing.
A two-month-old baby is unable to recognize anyone yet.
By two months old, an infant is able to recognize both people’s faces and voices of his or her parents and close family they see regularly. They should smile at these familiar faces and turn their heads towards voices they recognize.
About 50% of women are likely to have problems with fertility in the U.S
Percent of women ages 15-44 with impaired fecundity: 10.9%
Because fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes, damage to the fallopian tubes could results in fertility problems.
When fallopian tubes become damaged or blocked, they keep sperm from getting to the egg or block the passage of the fertilized egg into the uterus.
Which two vitamins are important for sperm function and male fertility?
Low levels of vitamin C and zinc can cause sperm to clump together, so keep your numbers up.
Which is not a possible cause of Hypothalamic amenorrhea?
Some medications (e.g. phenothiazines) as well as extremes of weight loss, stress or exercise can cause this type of secondary amenorrhea. A pituitary or hypothalamic tumor would be a rare finding in these patients who were all screened with prolactin levels at the beginning of the diagnostic evaluation. However, if there is no cause apparent from the history, it is sometimes suggested to get a baseline CT or MRI scan of the sellar region to rule out a (very rare) tumor.